Featured Stories
UH Geoscience Team Wins International Petroleum Exploration Competition
A team of graduate geoscience students from the University of Houston topped more than 300 teams from around the world to win the 2019 Imperial Barrel Award.
UH Symposium Offers Update on Monetization of Carbon
The Center for Carbon Management in Energy at the University of Houston will host a daylong symposium on the technical, business and policy issues involved in turning greenhouse gas emissions into marketable commodities.
Going for Gold: UH-Dominated Theatre Design Team Represents U.S. in World-Renowned International Competition
Faculty and alumni from the University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance are going for gold at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. It's a big deal, and often described as the Olympics or Oscar Awards for performance designers.
UH Ranks among Top 100 Global Universities for Patents
The University of Houston ranked among the top 100 global universities for the number of utility patents issued in 2018.
The Power of Expression
UH violist Kyle Rivera makes his debut during the 30th Anniversary season of the Immanuel and Helen Olshan Texas Music Festival and composes piece for Houston Symphony.
Impact of Food Insecurity on Parent Veterans and their Children
Veterans returning home after serving in the military can face many challenges readjusting to civilian life — from finding work to finding enough food to feed their families. Nearly one in four veterans is food insecure. In an effort to develop interventions to help these families thrive, the University of Houston has launched a new study to identify veterans’ barriers to food.
State Funding Approved for UH College of Medicine, New Law Center Building
The Texas Legislature has approved strong support for continued growth and student success throughout the University of Houston System, including startup funds for the UH College of Medicine, funding for new facilities for the UH Law Center and Hobby School of Public Affairs, and increased funding for general operations and hurricane recovery at all four UH System universities.
UH Law Center Student Appointed to UHS Board of Regents
Texas Governor Greg Abbott appointed John Fields to serve a one-year term which starts June 1 and runs through May 31, 2020.
Reducing the Destruction of Heart Failure
A University of Houston College of Pharmacy researcher is examining the fight or flight hormones as an avenue to increase heart function following a heart attack, helping alleviate the symptoms of heart failure.
Female Firefighters More Likely to Suffer PTSD, Contemplate Suicide
Female firefighters are fighting for their mental health as they perform their grueling duties. A University of Houston psychologist is reporting that one-fifth of female firefighters in a large, urban fire department experience post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and are at higher risk of contemplating suicide than their male colleagues. Until now, little has been known regarding the mental health of female firefighters.
Single-Chain Insulin Would Change Dosage, Production
A researcher from the University of Houston has created a form of recombinant insulin that could potentially address some of the biggest concerns about the lifesaving drug, including its price.
Post-release Movie Piracy Creates Buzz that Drives Box Office Sales Up
Post-release movie pirates boost box office buzz and bottom line. Findings by a University of Houston marketing researcher might have movie producers reconsidering their attitudes about movie piracy – illegal downloads occurring after a movie’s release increase a movie’s word of mouth, or buzz, and are likely to increase box office sales by 3%.
Companies Move to Houston, UH Technology Bridge
As Houston builds its innovation ecosystem, two of the latest companies to commit to the city have moved into the UH Technology Bridge. Oleon, which converts natural fats and oils into oleochemical products, and Saratech, an engineering, software, services and 3D printer sales company, have office and lab space at the Technology Bridge.
Healthy Competition: Houston Students Tackle Real Community Health Issues
If you had $5 million, how would you prepare for and respond to the next hurricane to improve the quality of life for Houston residents? That’s the thought-provoking question facing local high school students participating in a new University of Houston mentorship program and competition focused on solving important community health issues.
UH Celebrates Spring 2019 Graduates
The University of Houston is celebrating the graduation of more than 6,100 Cougars Wednesday, May 8-Saturday, May 11.
UH College of Medicine Formally Recognized in State Statute
The University of Houston College of Medicine took a significant step forward when Gov. Greg Abbott signed House Bill 826, which formally recognizes the medical school in state statute.
New UH Pharmacy Center to Tackle Prescription Drug Misuse
For the first time in American history, a person is more likely to die from an accidental opioid overdose than from a car accident. Responding to such trends, the UH College of Pharmacy has opened the Prescription Drug Misuse Education and Research (PREMIER) Center to educate providers and patients on safe and effective controlled substance prescription use – and they’re starting off strong – with a $3.34 million grant for safe drug disposal.
UH Students and Alumni Earn Prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Meet the amazing University of Houston students who are recipients of graduate research fellowships from the National Science Foundation. They are studying everything from virtual reality to volcanic activity on Mars.
HCA Houston Healthcare Donates $3.5 Million to UH College of Nursing
The University of Houston College of Nursing today received a transformative $3.5 million donation from HCA Houston Healthcare to benefit faculty, staff and students at the college’s future location in Katy and its current home in Sugar Land.
Public Art's Moment
UH System Celebrates 50 Years of Public Art with Ambitious New Temporary Art Program and Texas-sized Commission.
UH Engineers Apply Their Skills to Health Care
A collaboration between the University of Houston and the Harris Health System Center for Innovation offered students with the UH Department of Industrial Engineering an opportunity to help solve a real-world problem in a hospital emergency center.

H&r Block 2013 Software
Hydrogen is a chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1. With a standard atomic weight of 1.008, hydrogen is the lightest element in the periodic table.Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in the plasma state.