Windows 7 64 Bit Use Ps3 Controller Driver

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Today I got a wireless Xbox One controller for PC and I cannot manage to set up the wireless connection, although it does work via USB.
Firstly I downloaded the drivers for the controller and the wireless adaptor manually. Then uninstalled these and let Windows download them manually.
The problem is that my PC simply is not detecting the controller when connected wirelessly. The steps I am doing are these precisely:
- I turn on the controller pressing the Xbox button which starts blinking slowly
- then I turn on the wireless option in the controlling by pressing the wireless button for about 3 seconds and the LED starts blinking rapidlyWindows 7 64 Bit Use Ps3 Controller Driver
- then I plug in the adaptor and turn it in by pressing the wireless button for about 3 seconds and it starts blinking slowly, more or less at the same rate than the controller LED
- then I press the Xbox controller button several times until both controller and adaptor LEDs stop blinking, which I assume mean the wireless connection has been established (I have never had an Xbox so I don't know if this is it for sure)

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However the PC doesn't detect any new device at all. The controller is not listed by the Device Manager nor it's listed when running joy.cpl either. So it seems like the connection happens but the PC doesn't detect the controller. After a brief instant the device connection seems to be lost because the controller LED starts blinking again, although the adaptor stays on and not blinking.
I think it's worth mentioning that when both LEDs stop blinking and stay lit at the same time the Device Manager list flashes and refreshes as if a new device was connected, however no new device is listed nor no Windows popup window lets you know you have connected the controller. This flash and refresh effect also happens when the controller 'disconnects' from the adaptor (when the controller LED goes back at blinking slowly again).

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edit: I am going to add some more information after sizzling suggested reinstalling the wireless adapter driver. This is what happened, quoting myself:

Ps3 Controller On Windows 7

The driver automatic instalation failed but it doesn't say why. In the Device Manager the adapter is listed under Network Adapters named Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows #4 and it shows up with a yellow warning icon. Upon inspection the error/warning message is 'device could not start up (code 10)'. However when unplugging it and plugging it back again the error magically goes away and the device is listed normally. Could this be the problem? What drivers am I supposed to install then? It's using the ones provided by Windows..
I beg your help with this. I have been at this problem for no less than 7 hours today and have tried seeking help in different communities only to be utterly ignored.
Thank you in advance.