Flickr Download Failed Network Error

Often my Chrome fails to download a file (Failed - Network error). When i try to download it with Opera or Firefox it downloads without a problem. If i try multiple times with chrome it keeps failing. What is causing this behavior? Could it be spyware, compatibility bugs am i one of the few or does this happen to most?


It feels like this happens more often when I try to download from busy file hosting sites but I did not put sufficient research in this to say for sure. I love chrome but this has been a common problem for maybe over a year now and no updates fixed it.


6 Answers

How to Download Images from Flickr. Photographers love Flickr because it's a vibrant social community with a wide variety of photo-sharing options. But because Flickr is so rich with features, it can be challenging to figure out how to.

  1. Check for malware

  2. Make sure Google Chrome is allowed in your antivirus and firewall settings

  3. Adjust your proxy settings

  4. Clear your cookies:

    a. Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.

    b. Select Settings.

    c. Click Show advanced settings.

    d. In the 'Privacy' section, click Content settings .

    e. In the 'Cookies' section, click the All cookies and site data.

    f. Click Remove all.

    g. Click X to close the dialog.


It's probably that Chrome seems to struggle with large file downloads, at least in the case of using ajax to grab the data and then creating the file in the client.

For example,


I determined the cause of this issue in my case. I was using a web page with an export to Excel button but it was actually saving a HTML file with an XLS suffix so that Excel would be used to open the HTML. This works as intended - Excel converted the HTML table to a spreadsheet but I am thinking Chrome thinks something shady is going on because the file content is not really what the file suffix suggests. The other browsers must not check for that.

Dave B.Dave B.

Click the print button > a menu will pop up. Select Save >Save Document.

Failed network error download

Failed Network Error Can't Download


This solution worked. It seems improbable but worked after trying other suggestions.


Flickr Download Failed Network Error Codes

when failed- network error appears I click the customize and control goggle chrome icon click downloads click resume works for me


Flickr Download Failed Network Error Windows 7

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