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- Oct 18, 2016 - Read eBook on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition: The SEAL Operative's Guide to Surviving in the Wild and Being. Download the free Scribd mobile app to read anytime, anywhere.
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Author : Clint EmersonISBN : 9781476796062
Genre : Reference
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A hands-on, practical survival guide from retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson—adapted for civilians from actual special forces operations—to eluding pursuers, evading capture, and surviving any dangerous situation. In today’s increasingly dangerous world, threats to your personal safety are everywhere. From acts of terror to mass shootings, and from the unseen (and sometimes virtual) matrix of everyday crime, danger is no longer confined to dark alleys or unstable regions. Potentially life-threatening circumstances can arise anywhere, anytime, and Clint Emerson—former Navy SEAL—wants you to be prepared. 100 Deadly Skills contains proven self-defense skills, evasion tactics, and immobilizing maneuvers—modified from the world of black ops—to help you take action in numerous “worst case” scenarios from escaping a locked trunk, to making an improvised Taser, to tricking facial recognition software. With easy-to-understand instructions and illustrations, Emerson outlines in detail many life-saving strategies and teaches you how to think and act like a member of the special forces. This complete course in survival teaches you how to prevent tracking, evade a kidnapping, elude an active shooter, rappel down the side of a building, immobilize a bad guy, protect yourself against cyber-criminals, and much more—all using low-tech to “no-tech” methods. Clear, detailed, and presented in an easy-to-understand and execute format, 100 Deadly Skills is an invaluable resource. Because let’s face it, when danger is imminent, you don’t have time for complicated instructions.
100 Deadly Skills Survival Edition
Author : Clint EmersonISBN : 9781501143939
Genre : Reference
File Size : 57. 84 MB
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From national bestselling author and retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson comes the essential guide for surviving today’s emergencies—from navigating in the wild to staying alive in any disaster. These 100 skills, adapted for civilians from actual field experiences of special forces operations, offer a complete hands-on and practical guide to help you survive in the wild no matter the climate or terrain; be prepared for any crisis; and have the critical life-saving knowledge for staying safe in any hostile environment or disaster. Yesterday’s survival guide is no longer relevant. 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition is what you need for today’s world, combining survival hacks developed on the battlefield with the low-tech tools you have on hand. This book is your essential prep manual, from securing shelter, building fire, finding food, and navigating back to civilization no matter the environment to thinking like a special forces solider so that you can survive a hostage situation, an active shooter, a suicide bomber, or a terrorist threat on the subway, and even apply trauma medicine as a first responder. Full of specific scenarios to help you get in the mindset of survival, 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition is better than a Swiss Army knife whether you’re lost at sea, forced to land a plane, fighting off a bear, or deciding whether to run, hide, or fight. Next to each skill are easy-to-grasp detailed illustrations, because when you need to survive the apocalypse, you don’t have time for complicated instructions.
Author : Ben LawsonISBN : 1533146357
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This book is a summary of the original book by Clint Emerson. It has been simplified for you with adequate analysis to absorb substantial information within thirty minutes of reading time. We live in dangerous times; the crime rate all over the world is at an unprecedented high. All countries have issues with security and criminal acts, from the most developed nations to the underdeveloped. When people picture disaster; they think of extremes like epidemics, or earthquakes and tsunamis but what is killing, even more, people are the criminal acts that seem like an everyday occurrence in our cities. Robbery, vandalism, battery and outright murder are the real terrors. How does one defend himself from these seemingly unpredictable attacks? We take a leaf from the most dangerous people amongst us; not the criminals, the men saddled with the responsibility of bringing the criminals to justice. The more terrifying the criminal, the better trained his hunters will be. Following this line of thought, terrorists; both domestic and foreign are hunted all over the world by the most elite of military operatives; the Special Forces. These men are trained as part criminal, part police, and part spy. They can slug it out with the worst criminals and come out the top while still retaining their sense of law and order. The complete skillset of these men can't be publicised; it is too dangerous in the hands of people without the requisite training. Nonetheless, nuggets of wisdom can be shared for survival and self-defense purposes. This book was written using the insight of an ex-Navy SEAL with years of field experience. We draw from his vast knowledge on how to be safeguarded against attackers and how to avoid and escape from difficult scenarios. The world may be getting more and more dangerous but the time has come for you too to shore yourself up and avoid being a victim. The knowledge gained from this book will transform you from a helpless victim to someone capable of defending himself in hairy situations.
100 Deadly Skills
Author : Micheal Abbey AbbeyISBN : 153759558X
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Getting Your FREE Bonus Download this book, read it to the end and see 'BONUS: Your FREE Gift' chapter after the conclusion. Survival Guide For Beginners: (FREE Bonus Included) 15 Important Tips You Should Know In Order To Survive In The Wilderness You may think that a survival book is designed for those who regularly undertake dangerous adventures to remote places around the world. However, it is not. The truth is that anyone can suddenly find themselves in a situation where their usual sources of food and drink have vanished and they need to use their wits to survive. If it is likely that a rescue party will be sent out to look for you then it is advisable to stay as close as possible to your last known position. However, if this is not practical or there is unlikely to be a rescue party you will need to keep moving. Surprisingly speed is not the most important factor, caution is! You are in a situation where everything you do could be life threatening. In this situation it is important to remain calm and consider each issue as they arise. There are three key areas to surviving and returning to civilization: Finding a place to shelter for the night. There are several options and your best choice will depend upon the situation you find yourself in and whether you need to find your own way to civilization or wait for a rescue party to find you. Locating adequate supplies of food and water. This may appear to be difficult but it is certainly not impossible! When surviving in the wild you will need to consider food sources that you would not normally find appealing; such as grubs. Finally, you need to know how to navigate home and a few other essential tips which will help you to survive and flourish in the wild. Download your E book 'Survival Guide For Beginners: 15 Important Tips You Should Know In Order To Survive In The Wilderness' by scrolling up and clicking 'Buy Now with 1-Click' button!
Espionage The Great Game
Author : Robert ThompsonISBN : 9781546204718
Genre : Fiction
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Stan, handsome, six feet two inches tall, with dark-brown hair and piercing blue eyes, and neighbor Pete, six feet, 180 pounds, met in scouting at twelve and became brothers in spirit. Their intertwined lives and adventures carry them through college and beyond. Their high school friend Butch leads them astray, but they are redeemed when they meet again at Quanticos CIA training and SEAL training facilities. They are paired in CIA mission assignments. They are EMT noncombatants in Iraq and Iran. Their last assignment is in Afghanistan at which time they are separatedButch is assigned to Damascus and Stan in Kabul. They are in reality espionage agents (spies). Stan sacrifices everything to fulfill his most dangerous secret assignment to infiltrate the highest level of opposition. In the process, physical requirement to ingratiate himself turns into emotional commitment, and he is caught in the trap of his own making. The subject of his surveillance is Prince Mohammed, whose illegitimate brother, Sayed, frees him from Taliban imprisonment. And there begins the beginning of the end.
The Right Kind Of Crazy
Author : Clint EmersonISBN : 9781501184185
Genre : Biography & Autobiography
File Size : 86. 23 MB
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Clint Emerson, retired Navy SEAL and author of the bestselling 100 Deadly Skills presents an explosive, darkly funny, and often twisted account of being part of an elite team of operatives whose mission was to keep America safe by whatever means necessary. Just be happy he’s on our side. Clint Emerson is the only SEAL ever inducted into the International Spy Museum. Operating from the shadows, with an instinct for running towards trouble, his unique skill set made him the perfect hybrid operator. Emerson spent his career on the bleeding edge of intelligence and operations, often specializing in missions that took advantage of subterfuge, improvisation, the best in recon and surveillance tech to combat the changing global battlefield. MacGyvering everyday objects into working spyware was routine, and fellow SEALs referred to his activities simply as “special shit.” His parameters were: find, fix, and finish—and of course, leave no trace. He operated by only two codes: “if you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying” and “it’s only illegal if you get caught.” The Right Kind of Crazy is unlike any military memoir you’ve ever read because Emerson is upfront about the fact that what makes you a great soldier and sometimes hero doesn’t always make you the best guy—but it does make for damn good stories.
The Last Punisher
Author : Kevin LaczISBN : 9781501127267
Genre : Biography & Autobiography
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“One of the very best books to come out of the war in Iraq,” (Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, bestselling author of On Killing), The Last Punisher is a gripping and intimate on-the-ground memoir from a Navy SEAL who was part of SEAL Team THREE with American Sniper Chris Kyle. Experience his deployment, from his first mission to his first kill to his eventual successful return to the United States to play himself in the Oscar-nominated film directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Bradley Cooper. The Last Punisher is a “thoughtful, funny, and raw…always compelling” (Bing West, New York Times bestselling author of No True Glory) first-person account of the Iraq War. With wry humor and moving testimony, Kevin Lacz tells the bold story of his tour in Iraq with SEAL Team THREE, the warrior elite of the Navy. This legendary unit, known as “The Punishers,” included Chris Kyle (American Sniper), Mike Monsoor, Ryan Job, and Marc Lee. These brave men were instrumental in securing the key locations in the pivotal 2006 Battle of Ramadi. Minute by minute, Lacz relays the edge-of-your-seat details of his team’s missions in Ramadi, offering a firsthand glimpse into the heated combat, extreme conditions, and harrowing experiences they faced every day. Through it all, Lacz and his teammates formed unbreakable bonds and never lost sight of the cause: protecting America with their fight. “A rare glimpse into the mind of a Navy SEAL,” (Clint Emerson, New York Times bestselling author of 100 Deadly Skills) Kevin Lacz brings you onto the battlefield and relays the tough realities of war. At the same time, Lacz shares how these experiences made him a better man and how proud he is of his contributions to one of this country’s most difficult military campaigns. The Last Punisher is the story of a SEAL and an “honest-to-God American hero” (Mike Huckabee, #1 bestselling author) who was never afraid to answer the call.
100 Deadly Skills Pdf free. download full
52 Random Weekend Projects
Author : Grant Thompson100 Deadly Skills Pdf Free Download Free
ISBN : 9781250184511Genre : Crafts & Hobbies
File Size : 23. 29 MB
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From one of the most popular project channels on YouTube comes a how-to book on building things that go boom. Grant Thompson, 'The King of Random,' has created one of the most popular project channels on YouTube, featuring awesome videos such as How to Make a Laser Assisted Blowgun and Assassin’s Micro Crossbow. He currently has almost 10 million subscribers, posts 5 times a week, and averages over 40 million views a month. Partnering with Grant is Ted Slampyak, the artist behind the #1 New York Times bestseller 100 Deadly Skills. 52 Random Weekend Projects: For Tinkerers, Inventors, and Backyard Builders is a guide that enables ordinary folks to build an impressive arsenal of projects. These crafts combine some of Grant’s most popular projects—Matchbox Rockets, Pocket Slingshot Super Shooters, Proto-Putty, Ninja Balls, Mini Matchstick Guns, The Clothespin Pocket Pistol—with many new ones, providing clear instructions on how to build them step-by-step. Broken down into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced sections, 52 Random Weekend Projects is loaded with truly amazing projects, including: - Mousetrap Handgun - Mini Solar Scorcher - Air Vortex Canon - Air Mounted Skewer Shooter - Paracord Bullwhip - Bottle Cap Party Whistle - Ninja Stress Balls - Tablecloth Parachute - Skyblaster Slingshot And many more!
Deadly Fighting Skills Of The World
Author : Steve CrawfordISBN : 0283063114
Genre : Technology & Engineering
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100 Deadly Skills Pdf Free Download
205The Deadly Game
Author : P.I.JackISBN : 1463448503
Genre : Fiction
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P.I.Jack is back for another adventure in crime. His old friend needs his help. Captain Duffy is knee deep in drugs,betrayal,and murder.Not knowing who to trust,he calls for out side help.Little does Duffy and Jack know how big the problem is.It ranges from a stolen ship and boats,illegal drugs,and huge profits to be had. Once Duffy and Jack starts investigating they realize it's to big for two of them. So Jack suggest that they call in Laverne former FBI agent her contacts,and Trents contacts from his Private Investigative firm may become valuable. Soon all the twist and turns have you wanting more. If you enjoyed the first series.'P.I.and the Lady in Red' you will enjoy this book and the next series to follow.
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100 Deadly Skills contains proven self-defense skills, evasion tactics, and immobilizing maneuvers—modified from the world of black ops—to help you take action in numerous “worst case” scenarios from escaping a locked trunk, to making an improvised Taser, to tricking facial recognition software. With easy-to-understand instructions and illustrations, Emerson outlines in detail many life-saving strategies and teaches you how to think and act like a member of the special forces.