Falcom has released new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III detailing new characters Agate Crosner, Tita Russell, and G. Schmidt, as well as the Japanese limited edition and first-print bonus.
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The second game, Trails of Cold Steel II, is still due at a 'later date', while the third instalment, Trails of Cold Steel III-- published by NIS America rather than XSEED Games -- is hitting PS4. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV -THE END OF SAGA- Original Soundtrack THE LEGEND OF HEROES: SEN NO KISEKI IV -THE END OF SAGA- ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK 英雄伝説 閃の軌跡IV -THE END OF SAGA- オリジナルサウンドトラック. To view this video download Flash Player 1+ About the product. The day 1 'Decisive Edition' includes a soundtrack CD containing 21 songs and a 50 mira replica Collector's Coin, packaged with a SteelBook case with a separate outer package design. The critically-acclaimed trails of Cold steel series gets an HD remaster Featuring 4K/60 FPS.
■ Characters
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Tita Russell
- Age: 16
“You take care too, Agate! Please don’t overdo it!”
A genius orbal scholar and the granddaughter of Dr. Russel, she is a girl from the Liberl Kingdom who loves fiddling with machines.
She enrolls in “Class IX: Accounting Division” of the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
During the “Liberl Disaster” that occurred four years prior, as a young engineer of the Zeiss Central Factory, which is known for its leading edge orbment development, she worked with Agate and the other Bracers, and contributed to the resolution of the accident.
After that, Tita, who learned that some sort of disaster was occurring in the empire thanks to information from her former companion Prince Olivert, enrolls in the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School as an “exchange student” despite her mother’s opposition.
While learning about orbal technology, and in order to see Panzer Soldats and Combat Shells with her own eyes, she studies under Professor Shchmidt.
Agate Crosner
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- Age: 28
- Weapon: Great sword
An A-rank Bracer from the Liberl Kingdom, who possesses the nickname “Heavy Blade” from the fact that he wields a giant sword bigger than himself.
After the “Liberl Disaster” that shook the Liberl Kingdom four years prior, he made numerous achievements both inside and outside of the country and as promoted to A-rank. He became known as a top-class power within the Bracer’s Guild.
After the end of the Civil War, Agate, who sensed indication of the societies and jaeger corps moving within the empire, and as a supporter of the Imperial guild, which was “nearly destroyed” under the pressure of the Intelligence Agency, decided to enter the Empire in order to save Prince Olivert, who he once fought alongside.
While worrying about Tita, who was accepted to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School, he moves independently to discover the truth behind a “certain incident” that started the “Hundred Days War” that broke out between the Liberl Kingdom and the Empire 14 years ago.
G. Schmidt
- Age: 72
“I am only interested in my research. We’ll have you be as useful as possible, “Ashen Awakener”
As an orbal engineer admired as the Empire’s leading mind, he is one of the “three disciples” next to Dr. Russel and Dr. Hamilton.
In order to satisfy his intellectual curiosity, he worked with Gwyn Reinford from a young age to invent the orbal railroad, orbal guns, and giant machine tools one after the next.
As a result, he promoted the development of orbal technology in the Empire.

During the Civil War, under the request of Noble Alliance leader Duke Cayenne, he designed the “Panzer Soldats” using “The Azure Knight” Ordine and Archaisms as reference. Out of mere curiosity, he also cooperated in the production of “The Ashen Knight” Valimar’s long sword.
He assumes the office of special adviser at the Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.

While students and each of the school’s facilities to push ahead on the research and development of new technologies, he trains Tita as a new disciple candidate, who visits to replace George Nome, his former disciple.
■ Keywords
Einhel Fortlet
A huge indoor training facility designed and constructed by Professor G. Schmidt, who had it built when he assumed the position of special adviser at Thors Military Academy Reaves II Branch School.
It is possible to change the composition of the facility through a large-scale orbal mechanism. The facility is used as a place for all sorts of battle training, as well as for testing the efficiency of new weapons.
Agate lived in his hometown of Ravennue Village with his little sister Misha, but when the “Hundred Days War” between the Liberl Kingdom and Erebonia Empire began, and stray bullets rained down from above them, Misha’s life was taken. This incident left a grave wound in Agate’s heart, and the time following it was rough as he went on to lead a delinquent gang in Ruan called the “Ravens.” He regains his footing after meeting a Bracer named Cassius Bright, and while he himself becomes a Bracer, the sadness from his sister’s death was not healed. His meeting Tita is what allows him to face the past and grow as a person.
With the primary objective of protecting civilian security and local peace, Bracers are those who take on various requests from the people and belong to a non-government organization called the Bracers Guild. The content of these requests range from everyday things such as letter deliver and searching for things, to wider-ranging requests such as defeating monsters and things that go beyond the borders of the country, such as cross-national negotiations. However, it cannot intervene against the power of the state.
Russell Family
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Tita’s family, and a researcher family, so to speak. Tita’s grandfather Professor Albert Russell is one of the personal pupils of Professor Epstein, who brought orbal civilization to the continent of Zemuria. Professor Russel contributed to the development of orbal technology in the Liberl Kingdom. Tita’s mother Erica, who is also a researcher, works alongside her husband Dan outside of the Liberl Kingdom as engineering guidance. Tita, of course, is talented when it comes to machines, and the disposition she has, where her surroundings disappear when it comes to her research, seems to have been of great influence from her grandfather and mother. Tita’s mother Erica dotes on her, and for that reason sees Agate as a bad bug advancing on her daughter.
Liberl Kingdom
A small country located in the southwestern part of the continent of Zemuria, the Liberl Kingdom is made up of five provinces surrounding the Valleria Lakeshore located in the center of the country. It borders on two major powers—the Erebonian Empire to the north and the Calvard Republic to the east. Although its national power is inferior to those two countries, it has maintained its independence through its abundance of sepith resources, excellent technology, and moreover its skilled diplomacy under Queen Alicia. Although it has been attacked by various major incidents—such as the “Hundred Days War,” in which the Erebonian Empire invaded the Liberl Kingdom, the “Coup Attempt Incident” by the Liberl Royal Army’s Intelligence Division, and the “Liberl Disaster” planned by the “Ouroboros” secret society—it survived and managed to avoid further problems thanks to the army and Bracers.
- Grancel – The imperial capital, located southeast of Valleria Lakeshore. The entire area is surrounded by an ancient wall called “Ahnenburg.”
- Rolent – Located northeast of Valleria Lakeshore, Rolent has an idyllic landscape with agriculture and mining at its heart. It is the hometown of Estelle Bright, the protagonist of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.
- Bose – Located north of Valleria Lakeshore, Bose shares a border with the Erebonian Empire. Its livelihood is based on commerce, and it is famous for its Bose Market where all sorts of items can be found.
- Ruan – Located west of Valleria Lakeshore, it once prospered in the fishing and shipping industries, but those have gradually declined, and it is now moving its focus towards the tourism industry.
- Zeiss – Located south of Valleria Lakeshore, Zeiss is where the Zeiss Central Factory is based, and is the center of the orbal industry. Its technology standard is top-class, even compared to the rest of the continent.
Three Disciples
Professor Albert Russel is known as the “Father of the Orbal Revolution.” The Professor L. Hamilton is enthusiastic about rural area awareness programs, saying, “Orbments are necessary for the frontier.” And Professor G. Schmidt the mechanical engineering power. Together, these three are known as the “Three Disciples.” As Professor C. Epstein’s personal pupils, these three are the highest authority researchers in the continent of Zemuria. Because of their activities, it is said that orbment technology permeated into the continent in just less than under half a century.
■ First-Print Limited Kiseki Box
(Pictured: “Class VII: Special Duty Division” SD Rubber Strap Set.)
The standard edition of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III costs 7,800 yen. But for 9,200 yen, the First-Print Limited Kiseki Box will include:
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Original Soundtrack Mini Limited Edition – Includes a careful selection of background music from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III as a special-make soundtrack.
- “Class VII: Special Duty Division” SD Rubber Straps Set – A set of four, SD-illustrated rubber straps of Rean Schwarzer, Juna Crawford, Kurt Vander, and Altina Orion of Class VII.
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III 128-Page Full-Color Art Book – A The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III art book featuring image illustrations of each character, cut-ins, image boards, in-game portraits, and more. The art book is jam-paacked with numerous beautiful visuals throughout all of its 128 pages.
- Original DLC: “An Invitation from Thors Main School” – A product code to download the crimson uniform worn by the students of Thors Military Academy’s Main School for the members of “Class VII: Special Duty Division.”
■ First-Print Bonus
First-print copies of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III will include a 2017-to-2018 multi-stand desktop calendar that you can stand vertically, horizontally, or on top of your monitor.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 28 in Japan.
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View the screenshots at the gallery.