Star Wars Darth Plagueis Audiobook Free Download

It reads almost like a history. There isn't a whole lot of action but it shows all the pieces being set in place for the events of Episodes 2 and 3. I especially liked that everything that transpired was mostly the brainchild of Hego Damask/Darth Plagueis. I won't go into more details, to avoid spoilers.

Perhaps the archives are incomplete.

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Release date

  • November 4, 2014(Hardcover, eBook)[1][2]
  • June 30, 2015(Paperback)[3]

Media type




'In our second upcoming novel created in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group, bestselling Star Wars veteran James Luceno gives Tarkin the Darth Plagueis treatment, bringing a legendary character from A New Hope to full, fascinating life.'
―Del Rey announcement[src]

Tarkin is a canon novel written by James Luceno which was published by Del Rey on November 4, 2014. The novel is set in 14 BBY, five years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, and it focuses on Wilhuff Tarkin and how he became a Grand Moff. A paperback edition of Tarkin was released on June 30, 2015, and the novel was later included in the 2015 book The Rise of the Empire.

Publisher's summaryEdit

He's the scion of an honorable and revered family. A dedicated soldier and distinguished legislator. Loyal proponent of the Republic and trusted ally of the Jedi Order. Groomed by the ruthless politician and Sith Lord who would be Emperor, GovernorWilhuff Tarkin rises through the Imperial ranks, enforcing his authority ever more mercilessly…and zealously pursuing his destiny as the architect of absolute dominion.

Rule through the fear of force rather than force itself, he advises his Emperor. Under Tarkin's guidance, an ultimate weapon of unparalleled destruction moves ever closer to becoming a terrifying reality. When the so-called Death Star is completed, Tarkin is confident that the galaxy's lingering pockets of Separatist rebellion will be brought to heel—by intimidation…or annihilation.

Until then, however, insurgency remains a genuine threat. Escalating guerrilla attacks by resistance forces and newfound evidence of a growing Separatist conspiracy are an immediate danger the Empire must meet with swift and brutal action. And to bring down a band of elusive freedom fighters, the Emperor turns to his most formidable agents: Darth Vader, the fearsome new Sith enforcer as remorseless as he is mysterious; and Tarkin—whose tactical cunning and cold-blooded efficiency will pave the way for the Empire's supremacy…and its enemies' extinction.

Plot summaryEdit

Opening crawlEdit


Defending Sentinel BaseEdit

During the early years of the Galactic Empire, former admiral and adjutant generalWilhuff Tarkin is assigned to the desolate Sentinel moon in the Outer Rim's remote Arkanis sector. Sentinel moon is home to Sentinel Base, a major Imperial base. While Tarkin's assignment appears to be a punishment post, he is secretly engaged in a clandestine Imperial enterprise. The novel opens with Tarkin discussing his newly designed Imperial military uniform with an RA-7 protocol droid. While reflecting on a childhood outing with his uncle Jova Tarkin in Eriadu's Carrion Plateau, Tarkin is informed of a priority dispatch from Rampart Station.

At Sentinel Base's command center, Base CommanderCassel informs him that Rampart Station is under a sneak attack from enemy Tikiar and Z-95 Headhunterstarfighters. After corresponding with the base's commander LieutenantThon, Tarkin deploys the Venator-class Star DestroyerElectrum to the Rimward edge of the Sentinel Base system. Shortly later, a former Separatist carrier emerges from hyperspace and attacks Sentinel Base with droid starfighters. Springing the trap, Tarkin has the Electrum exit hyperspace and ambush the mysterious attackers, who are using Separatist technology. Outgunned and ambushed, the attackers are forced to retreat. Tarkin reveals to his subordinates that the Rampart Station holotransmission was a counterfeit designed to draw Imperial forces away from Sentinel Base. He determines that someone had managed to introduce a false realtime feed into the local HoloNet relay.

Under Tarkin's supervision, forensic technicians examine the former Separatist droid starfighters. The technicians speculate that the mysterious attackers obtained former Separatist ships and equipment from junk dealers and criminal elements. While pondering on the identity of the mysterious attackers, Tarkin receives a communique from Grand VizierMas Amedda, who informs him that the EmperorPalpatine has requested a private audience with him in Coruscant.

The making of TarkinEdit

In a flashback chapter, Tarkin reflects on his childhood growing up on the Outer Rim world of Eriadu. Tarkin's family were the descendants of hunters, freelance pilots, and mining contractors who had built Eriadu's militias into a formidable sector military. Despite accumulating wealth and power, Tarkin's parents never forgot their frugal origins and instilled the values of discipline and order in their son. In his adolescence, Tarkin had joined his uncle Jova on several hunting expeditions in the dangerous Carrion Plateau, a relic of Eriadu's primeval past. Through Jova, Tarkin learned the importance of triumphing over nature and bringing order to chaos.

While traveling to Coruscant aboard his personal transport the Carrion Spike, Tarkin relieves EnsignBaz of duty for spice addiction. The Carrion Spike is a custom-built corvette fitted with a Class One hyperdrive and stealth technology, rendering the ship invisible to ordinary scanners. In a flashback passage, Tarkin reflects on his service as a member of the Outland Regions Security Force, which fought pirates and privateers in the Seswenna sector. One of his foes was the female pirate Q'anah and her Marauders, who harassed commercial shipping around Eriadu.

Tiring of Q'anah's depredations, the-then eighteen-year old Lieutenant Tarkin and his cousin Ranulph Tarkin had devised an ambitious plan to allow the Marauders to steal container ships whose hyperdrive motivators had been infected by a computer virus. This trap worked and the infected container ships transported the pirates to a realspace destination where they were surrounded by Outland warships. To end the threat of the Marauders once and for all, Q'anah and her crew were dumped on a container ship that was programmed to send the ship slowly into the system's sun. The captives' plight was broadcast over the pirates' own communications network, trapping their would-be rescuers who were destroyed by Outland ships. As a deterrent to other pirates, Tarkin relayed the container ship's audio and video feeds of the pirates' death throes.

Visiting CoruscantEdit

Arriving at the Imperial Palace, Tarkin is greeted by Grand Vizier Amedda and Rear AdmiralNils Tenant, one of his classmates at the Prefsbelt Fleet Camp. Nils asks about rumors of a mobile battle station but is silenced by Tarkin. In a flashback, the young Cadet Tarkin meets the-then SenatorPalpatine, who saw potential in the young Eriaduan and helped him secure a place at the elite Judicial Academy. As a member of the Judicial Forces, Tarkin had taken part in a joint Judicial–Jedi mission to subdue a coup on the Colonies world of Halcyon. While Tarkin was awed by the Jedi's lightsaber skills, he was less impressed by their political and strategic naivety. During the Halcyon crisis, Tarkin developed a reputation as an effective leader. Tarkin later used his early contacts with Palpatine to forge connections with the Supreme Chancellor during the Clone Wars.

Amedda brings Tarkin for a private audience with Darth Vader in the lower levels of the former Jedi Temple. Tarkin and Amedda witness Lord Vader addressing a meeting of aliencrime lords, whom he orders to relocate their operations to the Outer Rim. As a warning, Lord Vader Force chokes the Twi'lekPrefectPhoca Soot killing him. After informing Vader about the progress of the work at Sentinel, Vader meets with the Emperor. The two discuss the matter of reintegrating former Separatist worlds into the galactic community, the Death Star project, and the attempted security breach at Sentinel Base.

Tarkin then attends a meeting of the Ruling Council with other high-ranking Imperial officials including the Emperor, Lord Vader, and Grand Vizier Amedda. The Imperial Security Bureau's Deputy DirectorHarus Ison informs the gathering that his agents had uncovered a cache of communications devices on Murkhana, which suggests evidence of a potential stratagem to incapacitate HoloNet. ISB ColonelWullf Yularen suggests that political dissenters are planning to launch a propaganda operation similar to the wartime Shadowfeeds. When Sate Pestage raises the matter of Tarkin's encounter with the insurgents at Sentinel Base, Dodd Rancit of the Naval Intelligence Agency vouches for Tarkin's role in frustrating Separatist propaganda efforts during the Clone Wars. Tarkin recommends that the Joint Chiefs issue an advisory to Imperial base commanders to double-check the encryption codes for all Imperial HoloNet transmissions.

Mission to MurkhanaEdit

Following the briefing, Darth Sidious instructs Lord Vader to accompany Moff Tarkin to Murkhana to investigate the communications cache in order to sidestep the Imperial bureaucracy. After being briefed about the Murkhana mission, Tarkin makes arrangements to delay his return to Sentinel Base. He sends back most of his crew apart from the Carrion Spike's captain and communications officer. In a flashback scene, Tarkin reflects on leaving the Judicial Department and working with Senator Palpatine to engineer Finis Valorum's downfall.

The following day, Tarkin and Darth Vader depart aboard the Carrion Spike. Vader's stormtroopers transport a flattened black sphere aboard the corvette. One of the troopers is the aging SergeantCrest, a veteran Clone survivor of the Clone Wars. While observing the loading, Tarkin reflects on the fall of the Jedi and CountDooku's attempt to persuade Tarkin to bring Eriadu into the Separatist with the promise of lucrative business opportunities. Tarkin had declined Dooku's offer. After being informed by the protocol droid 11-4D about the Carrion Spike's departure, Sidious reflects on his efforts to bring Tarkin and Vader together during the Clone Wars.

On the ruined world of Murkhana, Tarkin and Vader visit the site of the communications cache. They discover evidence that the devices were deliberately placed so that they could be discovered. Tarkin speculates that whoever found the cache used some of the components to engineer the false distress call transmitted to Sential Base. Vader demands to speak with the ISB asset who first reported the find. Traveling to the Imperial compound, Lord Vader and Tarkin question the ISB asset, the KoorivarmaleBracchia. Bracchia informs them that he did not discover the cache but was merely tasked with verifying his ISB case officer's report.

Governor Tarkin is then contacted by Sergeant Crest, who had received a holotransmission order purporting to be from Tarkin to return to the former Corporate Alliance building after offloading the cargo from the Carrion Spike. Tarkin recalls not making any orders and tells the Sergeant to return to the ship. Crest then contacts Tarkin and Vader to inform them that the Carrion Spike has been stolen with the captain, comm officer, and two stormtrooper sentries killed. Lacking a starship of their own, Darth Vader forces an old ally, a Sugi crime lord Faazah, to lend them his personal starship Parsec Predator.

Hunt for the Carrion SpikeEdit

Aboard the hijacked Carrion Spike, the shipjackers former Republic IntelligenceagentBerch Teller, the Mon Calamari Dr. Artoz, the GotalSalikk, and the Koorivar Cala, the former journalistAnora Fair, and the ZygerrianHask Taff make themselves comfortable aboard the stolen vessel. They discover they are being followed by the Parsec Predator through hyperspace. Teller decides to lead their Imperial pursuers on a chase.

Meanwhile, Tarkin sits in the cockpit of the Parsec Predator with Vader. He reflects on Vader's killing of the Sugi crime lord and his henchmen. Tarkin suspects that the perpetrators who attacked Sentinel Base were the same ones who stole the Carrion Spike and disabled her slave and communications systems. Tarkin thinks that the Murkhana communications cache is part of a larger unfolding plot. He reveals that the Carrion Spike's weakness is the spine where the main fuselage meets the aft flare. Only concentrated fire while lowering the shields would weaken the structure. Despite the Carrion Spike fleeing into hyperspace, Vader reveals that he can track the ship using the mysterious black sphere he had transferred to the Carrion Spike.

On Coruscant, Darth Sidious learns about the theft of the Carrion Spike and that Lord Vader has procured a replacement ship. With Lord Vader heading to the Fial system, Rancit suggests that the Carrion Spike's thieves are the same assailants who attacked Sentinel Base. Darth Sidious orders Admiral Rancit to divert ships in the Belderone system to aid Lord Vader and Governor Tarkin. Imperial efforts to recover the Carrion Spike are punctuated by interagency rivalry between the Imperial Security Bureau and Military Intelligence. In the Fial sector, the Carrion Spike is pursued by the Parsec Predator. Teller orders Salikk to prepare for a jump to Galidraan, where the Empire has a space station above Galidraan III.

Vader and Tarkin follow in pursuit and emerge in the middle of a dogfight between the hijacked Carrion Spike and Imperial V-wing and Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters. The Carrion Spike disables the Predator's systems, leaving the ship dead in space. However, the Predator manages to inflict damage on the Spike's weak point. Before fleeing into hyperspace, Berch Teller's rebel cell destroys Galidraan's hyperspace buoy to prevent their pursuers from following them. Tarkin laments that the shipjackers have not only rendered themselves invisible but also untraceable.

Back on Coruscant, the Ruling Council is briefed about the hijacked Carrion Spike's recent theft. Heeding Tarkin's warnings, Rancit advocates preparing Imperial bases in the Outer Rim for a 'campaign of destruction.' The Council learn that the shipjackers have attackedTaggeCo's mining operations on Lucazec and that they are using the Carrion Spike to transmit holovids of their attacks. Aboard the Star Destroyer Liberator, Vader receives his personalEta-2 Actis-class light interceptor from the Empire. Studying the shipjackers' travel patterns, Tarkin suspects they were working with the warship that attacked Sentinel Base. Vader suggest that the shipjackers are being aided by the same insiders who provided them with the confiscated communications cache. Due to the Carrion Spike's unique fuel requirements, Tarkin speculates that the ship would travel to either Gromas in the Perkell sector or Phindar in the Mandalore sector.

The Phindar debacleEdit

While Berch Teller and his rebel discuss their next strategy, Tarkin arrives at the edge of the Phindar system aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Liberator. Tarkin warns the Phindian administrator about the dangerous capabilities of the Carrion Spike. The Phindian transmits a photo of the shipjackers' self-styled commander, who is impersonating Commander Abel LaSal. Tarkin and Vader deduce that their enemy is well acquainted with Imperial procedure. Vader and Tarkin lead starfighters in pursuit of the Carrion Spike, which has docked with a tanker. Following a brief dogfight that results in several Imperial casualties including the tanker, the Carrion Spike escapes into hyperspace.

Despite their injuries, a bruised Teller and his comrades vow to continue their insurgency against the Empire. Teller recounts Governor Tarkin's ruthless efforts to purge the Seswenna sector of pirates, criminal elements, and illegal migrants during the last days of the Galactic Republic. Teller credits Tarkin's rise to power to the machinations of Palpatine. Teller vows to turn Tarkin's own flagship into a weapon against the Imperial technocrat. Back in Phindar space, Tarkin learns that the tanker was destroyed by an explosive device concealed inside a fuel cell and realizes that the insurgents had wanted to lure him into a trap. Due to a tracking device installed on the Carrion Spike, the Imperials are able to track the ship to a set of coordinates in the Expansion Region near Thustra and Aquaris.

On Coruscant, Vice-Admiral Rancit convinces the Emperor to deploy interdictor vessels against the hijacked Carrion Spike. Amedda informs the Emperor that the cache of communications jammers was discovered on Murkhana by an ISB asset tasked with investigating the find by his case officer. Darth Sidious summons the ISB asset and his handler for a meeting. Meanwhile, Teller and his comrades discover that Tarkin has been tracking them through a paralight tracker, a kind of HoloNet transceiver that parses commands from the ship's navicomputer. To trick the Imperials, Teller decides to supply Tarkin with the coordinates into a very busy star system but to avoid jumping.

In the Obroa-skai system, Tarkin's interdictor cruisers receive the faux coordinates. Instead of the Carrion Spike, they yank several civilian freighters and a Mon Calamari luxury liner out of hyperspace. This results in a space collision with multiple casualties including the deaths of 1,100 civilians aboard the luxury liner. Lord Vader and Tarkin deduce that the insurgents fed them the false coordinates to throw them off the scent. Despite this failure, the Imperials destroy the Lux-400 yachtTruant, which was on the wanted list for smuggling. Vader and Tarkin aggressively question the Koorivar captain of the surviving freighter Reticent and learn that a human broker named Knotts sold them the ship and job. While Vader questions the Koorivar, Tarkin continues the search for the Carrion Spike.

An enemy within the ranksEdit

Meanwhile, Teller briefs Anora about his plan to attack an Imperial facility. Cala has destroyed the Imperial homing beacon to throw them off scent. At the Imperial Palace, Darth Sidious interrogates the Koorivar Imperial intelligence asset Bracchia and the ISB case officer Stellan. Under questioning, Stellan reveals that the information about the Murkhana communications cache was provided to the ISB by Military Intelligence. Sidious also deduces that the holovid was a counterfeit created by someone with access to Imperial codes and to devices capable of subverting the HoloNet.

Aboard the Star Destroyer Executrix, Moff Tarkin deduces that the shipjackers are being aided by Imperial assets with high clearance. Vader also interrogates the other Reticent crew and learns that the fuel cells had been procured through the auspices of the human broker Knotts. Delving into classified Imperial files, Tarkin discovers that Knotts had been a Republic Intelligence sub-contractor stationed on Antar 4 during the Clone Wars. Following the establishment of the Empire, Tarkin had presided over the Antar Atrocity, which had seen the arrests, executions, and massacres of many Koorivar and Gotal loyalists. Tarkin's actions had generated much criticism in the Imperial media including two Coruscanti journalists Anora Fair and Hask Taff. He also determines that Knotts was connected to Captain Berch Teller, a dissident Republic Intelligence officer who opposed the Antar Atrocity. Tarkin also learns that Teller was briefly stationed at Desolation Station, the outpost responsible for overseeing much of the Death Star's research, before disappearing.

Meanwhile, the heavily-damaged Carrion Spike exits hyperspace ten parsecs away from Nouane. Teller's cell had barely escaped an Imperial trap in the Nouane system. Anora realizes they have been betrayed. Still, Teller is determined to proceed with their plan. Meanwhile, Vader and Tarkin discuss Vice Admiral Rancit's intelligence that the dissidents are planning to attack the Imperial Academy on Carida as a final stand. Tarkin tells Vader about how he defeated a pack of veermoks in his youth by pitting the alpha male Lord against a contender named Shadow before killing them. As a result, the veermoks abandoned the hill and the Spike. Vader opines that the lesson was that the veermoks brought themselves down by turning on their leader. The two then ascertain that Vice-Admiral Rancit is the traitor who has been aiding Teller's rebel cell.

Above the CaridaImperial Navy Deepdock Facility Two, the Carrion Spike exits hyperspace. Before Vice-Admiral Rancit can give the order to fire, Darth Vader enters the bridge and belays that command. Vader orders the crew of the Secutor-class Star DestroyerConquest to scan the ship for lifeforms. After finding the ship empty, Vader tells Rancit that his co-conspirators abandoned the ship before fleeing into hyperspace. After ordering the commanders of the task force flotilla to stand down, Vader confronts Rancit for his treason. To cover his tracks, Rancit had planned to lure Teller's cell into a trap on Carida and kill them. However, Teller's cell had realized Rancit's plan and transferred to another ship to continue their insurgency. As punishment for his treason, Lord Vader orders Lieutenant Crest to dump Vice Admiral Rancit in an escape pod. Once in space, Rancit is forced to issue the fire order that destroys the pod.

Neutralizing the insurgentsEdit

Meanwhile, Berch Teller and his cell are traveling aboard a former Separatist Providence-class dreadnought over a barren moon in a star system Coreward of the Gulf of Tatooine. While Teller recognizes that his group will not be able to bring down the Empire on their own, he decides to ambush a convoy delivering material to the secret Death Star project. He tasks Anora and Hask with making a holovid. Teller's plan was to use the Carrion Spike to divert Imperial forces away from the Death Star convoy.

Moff Tarkin comes to the convoy's aid with the Star Destroyer Executrix. While the Executrix bombards the enemy capital ships, Tarkin orders his starfighters to protect the convoy at all costs. With the tables turned on the dissidents, Salikk and Anora buy enough time for Teller to escape on a Headhunter starfighter. Tarkin's tactic works and the Imperials succeed in knocking out the master control computer controlling the dissidents' droid starfighters. The Executrix is reinforced by two more Star Destroyers Compliant and Enforcer. While Darth Sidious mediates on his quest for galactic dominance, Tarkin greets his captives including Knotts, Anora Fair, and Hask Taff.

The Empire triumphantEdit

Tarkin spends the next three weeks after the convoy attack interrogating the captured conspirators and collaborators, who were subsequently executed in secret. In a meeting with Vader and the Emperor, Tarkin explains that Rancit was motivated by the perceived slight that he had been stripped of his command of Sentinel Base for objecting to the Empire's actions on Antar 4. Tarkin credits Rancit with supplying intelligence and materials to the dissidents. Vader also informs them that the Empire has punished the warehouse workers, salvagers, and scientists at Desolation Station who aided the dissidents. The dissidents' former Separatist warship was also assembled at shipyards in the Bajic sector, jointly owned and operated by the Tenloss Syndicate and Crymorah syndicate. Despite finding Teller's Headhunter on Christophsis, they were unable to find any trace of the man.

In the wake of Rancit's treason, the Emperor ordered a reshuffle of his Ruling Council and the incorporation of Naval Intelligence into Military Intelligence. The Emperor also tasks Tarkin with tightening the Empire's hold over the Outer Rim and promotes him to the rank of Grand Moff. Grand Moff Tarkin is placed in charge of the entire Outer Rim and the Death Star project. In the wake of his promotion, Tarkin gives lengthy interviews to the media, which coin his statements as the Tarkin Doctrine. Tarkin also take steps to clamp down on dissent and preserve the secrecy of the Death Star project.

Weeks later, Tarkin returns to the Spike on Eriadu where he reunites with his uncle Jova. Intent on revenge, Berch Teller tracks Tarkin down but falls into an improvised pit trap. Tarkin confronts his nemesis, who is nursing a broken ankle. Tarkin refuses to divulge details about the Death Star project but offers to let Teller go if he can climb out of the pit before nightfall. Teller rejects Tarkin's offer and the younger Tarkin leaves his uncle to watch over Teller should he cause trouble. Later, above the secluded world of Geonosis, Tarkin watches over the construction of the Death Star.

Star Wars Darth Plagueis Audiobook Free Download


The novel and its title were announced on April 25, 2014. It was written in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group, making it part of the new canon.[4]James Luceno submitted his manuscript for the novel by May 5, 2014.[5] A preview for the novel was released in an Exclusive Advance Reader's Edition of A New Dawn at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con.[6]


Wullf Yularen's first name was misspelled as 'Wulff.'



  • ISBN 9780345511522; November 4, 2014; Del Rey; US hardcover[1]
  • ISBN 9780553392890; November 4, 2014; Del Rey; US eBook[2]
  • ISBN 9780553392906; June 30, 2015; Del Rey; US paperback[3]

Cover galleryEdit

US hardcover
Front cover art
Back cover art
US paperback
Brazilian cover
Russian cover
Czech cover

Star Wars Darth Plagueis Audiobook Free Download


By type
CharactersCreaturesDroid modelsEventsLocations
Organizations and titlesSentient speciesVehicles and vesselsWeapons and technologyMiscellanea


  • 11-4D(First appearance)
  • Passel Argente(Mentioned only)(First identified as Passel Argente)
  • Artoz(First appearance)
  • Baz(First appearance)
  • Kren Blista-Vanee(First identified as Kren Blista-Vanee)
  • Braata(Indirect mention only)
  • Bracchia(First appearance)
  • Burque(First appearance)(Appears in hologram)
  • Cala(First appearance)
  • Cassel(First appearance)
  • Crest(First appearance)
  • Ars Dangor(First appearance)
  • Dooku(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Faazah(First appearance)
  • Anora Fair(First appearance)
  • Faya(Indirect mention only)
  • Kit Fisto(Indirect mention only)
  • Janus Greejatus(First identified as Janus Greejatus)
  • Grievous(Mentioned only)
  • Armand Isard(First appearance)
  • Harus Ison(First appearance)
  • Lin Jae(First appearance)
  • Kalpana(First mentioned)
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi(Mentioned only)
  • Knotts(First appearance)
  • Agen Kolar(Indirect mention only)
  • Abel LaSal(First mentioned)
  • Lord(First mentioned)
  • Conan Antonio Motti(First identified as Antonio Motti)
  • Nomma(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Sate Pestage(First appearance)
  • Even Piell(Mentioned only)
  • Darth Plagueis(Mentioned only)
  • Poggle the Lesser(Mentioned only)
  • Q'anah(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Q'anah's father(First mentioned)
  • Q'anah's lover(First mentioned)
  • Dodd Rancit(First appearance)
  • Ros(First appearance)
  • Salikk(First appearance)
  • Shadow(First mentioned)
  • Sistros(Statue only)(First identified as Sistros)
  • Terrinald Screed(First appearance)
  • Darth Sidious(First identified as Sheev)
  • Raith Sienar(First mentioned)
  • Osi Sobeck(Indirect mention only)
  • Phoca Soot(First appearance)
  • Stellan(First appearance)
  • Hask Taff(First appearance)
  • Cassio Tagge(First identified as Cassio)
  • Ahsoka Tano(Mentioned only)
  • Jova Tarkin(First appearance)
  • Ranulph Tarkin(First mentioned)
  • Wilhuff Tarkin(First identified as Wilhuff)
  • Wilhuff Tarkin's adjutant(First appearance)
  • Wilhuff Tarkin's father(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Wilhuff Tarkin's grandfather(First mentioned)
  • Wilhuff Tarkin's mother(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Berch Teller(First appearance)
  • Nils Tenant(First identified as Nils)
  • Therbon(First mentioned)
  • Thon(First appearance)
  • Saesee Tiin(Indirect mention only)
  • Trench(Mentioned only)
  • Unidentified Black Sun racketeer(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified Carrion Spike comms officer(First appearance)
  • Unidentified comm specialist(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Imperial ambassador(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Imperial captain Liberator(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Imperial colonel(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Imperial governor(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Imperial Security Bureau director(First mentioned, albeit indirectly)
  • Unidentified Imperial technician(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Judicial Academy provost(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified Judicial commander(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified Koorivar captain(First appearance)
  • Unidentified petty officer Carrion Spike(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Phindian administrator(First appearance)
  • Unidentified RA-7 protocol droid(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Stellar Vista captain(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified task force liaison officer(First appearance)(Voice only)
  • Unidentified Zygerrian queen(First mentioned)
  • Finis Valorum(Mentioned only)
  • Mace Windu(Indirect mention only)
  • Yanjon(Indirect mention only)
  • Zellit(First mentioned)


  • Primate
    • Veermok(First appearance)
      • Eriadu veermok(First appearance)
  • Rancor(Mentioned only)
  • Rodent(Mentioned only)
    • Womp rat(Mentioned only, in chapter title)
  • Sarlacc(Mentioned only)
  • Septoid(First appearance)

Droid models

  • AC-one(First appearance)
  • Battle droid
    • OOM-series battle droid
      • OOM pilot battle droid(First identified as OOM pilot battle droid)
  • Droid starfighter
  • Courier droid
  • Droid tank(Wreckage only)
    • IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank(Wreckage only)
    • LM-432 crab droid(Wreckage only)
  • Protocol droid
  • Training droid


Star Wars Darth Plagueis Audio Book Free Download Torrent

  • Attack on an Eriaduan mining colony(First appearance)
  • Attack on Phindar(First mentioned)
  • Clone Wars(Mentioned only)
    • Battle of Christophsis(Mentioned only)
    • Battle of Geonosis(Mentioned only)
    • Battle of Kamino(Mentioned only)(First identified as Battle of Kamino)
    • Battle of Lola Sayu(Mentioned only)
    • Battle of Mon Cala(Mentioned only)
    • Battle of Murkhana(First mentioned)
    • Capture of Even Piell(Indirect mention only)
  • Encounter in the Senex-Juvex(First mentioned)
  • Eriadu trade summit(First mentioned)
  • Fall of the Old Republic(Indirect mention only)
    • Jedi–Sith war(Indirect mention only)
  • Greater Seswenna raids(First mentioned)
  • Imperial Era
    • Antar Atrocity(First mentioned)
    • Berch Teller campaign(First appearance)
      • Attack on Galidraan Station(First appearance)
      • Attack on Lucazec(First appearance)(Appears in hologram)
      • Attack on Sentinel Base(First appearance)
      • Battle in the Phindar system(First appearance)
      • Incident in the Obroa-skai system(First appearance)
      • Attack on the Nouane system(First appearance)
      • Battle near the Gulf of Tatooine(First appearance)
    • Western Reaches pacification operations(First mentioned)
  • Invasion of Naboo(Mentioned only)(First identified as Naboo Crisis)
  • Jedi Purge(Mentioned only)
    • Duel in Palpatine's office(Mentioned only)
    • Order 66(Mentioned only)
  • Mission to Halcyon(First mentioned)
  • Proclamation of the New Order(Mentioned only)(First identified as proclamation of the New Order)
  • Separatist Crisis(Mentioned only)(First identified as Secessionist Movement)
    • Antar 4 schism(First mentioned)
    • Border dispute on Ansion(Indirect mention only)
  • Sith war(First mentioned; albeit indirectly)
    • Battle of Coruscant(First mentioned; albeit indirectly)
  • Trial of Ahsoka Tano(Indirect mention only)


  • Bajic sector(First mentioned)
    • Unidentified shipyards(First mentioned)
  • Colonies(First identified as Colonies)
    • Carida system
      • Carida
        • Carida Academy(First mentioned)
        • Imperial Navy Deepdock Facility Two(First appearance)
    • Fondor(First mentioned)
    • Halcyon(First mentioned)
  • Core Worlds(First identified as Core Worlds)
    • Brentaal IV(First mentioned)
    • Corellia system(First mentioned)
      • Corellia(Mentioned only)
    • Corulag(Mentioned only)
    • Corusca sector
      • Coruscant subsector
        • Coruscant system
          • Coruscant
            • Coruscant Opera(First mentioned)
            • Coruscant underworld(Mentioned only)
              • Droid Gotra industrial complex(First mentioned)
              • Level 1331(First mentioned)
            • Galactic City
              • Federal District(First identified as Federal District)
                • 500 Republica(Appears in flashback(s))
                  • Palpatine's apartment(Appears in flashback(s))
                • COMPNOR arcology(First appearance)
                • Imperial Palace(First identified as Imperial Palace)
                  • Council Towers
                    • High Council Tower
                  • Imperial Palace audience chamber(First appearance)
                  • Imperial residence(First appearance)
                  • Sith shrine(First appearance)
                • Imperial Plaza(Mentioned only)(First identified as Imperial Plaza)
                • Naval Intelligence headquarters(First identified as Naval Intelligence headquarters)
  • Deep Core(First mentioned)
    • Deep Core Security Zone(First mentioned)
  • Desolation Station(First mentioned)
  • Dwartii(First mentioned)
  • Expansion Region(Mentioned only)
    • Aquaris(First mentioned)
    • Cartao(First mentioned)
      • Cartao Imperial facility(First mentioned)
    • Corsin(First mentioned)
    • Cvetaen system(First mentioned)
    • LCC-4-4-7(First mentioned)
    • Sumitra system(First mentioned)
    • Thustra system(First mentioned)
      • Thustra(First mentioned)
  • Greater Seswenna(First appearance)
  • Gulf of Tatooine(First mentioned)
  • Inner Rim(Mentioned only)
    • Antar 4(First mentioned)
    • Atzerri(First mentioned)
    • Bestine IV(Mentioned only)
    • Bilbringi(First mentioned)
      • Bilbringi shipyards(First mentioned)
    • Kooriva(First mentioned)
    • Nouane system(First mentioned)
      • Unidentified Imperial facility (Nouane system)(First mentioned)
    • Obroa-skai system(First appearance)
      • Obroa-skai(First appearance)
        • Obroa-skai emergency medevac center(First appearance)
    • Onderon(Mentioned only)
    • Taanab(Mentioned only)
    • Yag'Dhul(First mentioned)
  • Kamino(Mentioned only)
  • Koorivar homeworld(First mentioned)
  • Mid Rim(Mentioned only)
    • Ando(Mentioned only)
    • Ansion(Mentioned only)
    • Anteevy(First mentioned)
      • Ice Station Beta(First mentioned)
    • Bothawui(Mentioned only)
    • Centares(First mentioned)
    • Falleen(Mentioned only)
    • Garos(First mentioned)
      • Garos Imperial facility(First mentioned)
      • Unidentified university (Garos)(First mentioned)
    • Kashyyyk(Mentioned only)
    • Lantillies(First mentioned)
    • Malastare(Mentioned only)
    • Naboo(Mentioned only)
      • Theed(Mentioned only)
    • Ord Mantell(Mentioned only)
    • Perkell sector(First mentioned)
      • Gromas(First mentioned)
        • Gromas Imperial depot(First mentioned)
    • Ruusan(Mentioned only)
    • Senex-Juvex(First mentioned)
      • Juvex sector(First mentioned)
      • Senex sector(First mentioned)
        • Asmeru(First mentioned)
        • Karfeddion(First mentioned)
  • Nilgaard sector(First mentioned)
  • Outer Rim Territories
    • Arkanis sector
      • Geonosis system
        • Geonosis(Mentioned only)
      • Sentinel Base system(First appearance)
        • Sentinel moon(First appearance)
          • Sentinel Base(First appearance)
        • Unidentified gas giant(First mentioned)
      • Tatooine(Mentioned only)
    • Christophsis(Mentioned only)
    • Corporate Sector(First mentioned)
    • Felucia system(Mentioned only)
      • Felucia(Mentioned only)
      • Felucia Imperial garrison(First mentioned)
    • Galidraan system(First appearance)
      • Galidraan(First appearance)
      • Galidraan III(First appearance)
        • Galidraan Station(First appearance)
      • Galidraan IV(First appearance)
      • Galidraan IV's outermost moon(First appearance)
    • Hydian Way(Mentioned only)
    • Jomark(First mentioned)
      • Jomark Imperial outpost(First mentioned)
    • Lola Sayu(Mentioned only)
      • Citadel(Mentioned only)
    • Lucazec(First appearance)(Appears in hologram)
    • Mandalore sector(First identified as Mandalore sector)
      • Phindar system(First appearance)
        • Phindar(First appearance)
          • Phindar tanker facility(First appearance)
    • Mon Cala(Mentioned only)
      • TaggeCo orbital processing plant(First appearance)
    • Murkhana system(First appearance)
      • Murkhana(First appearance)
        • Corporate Alliance landing field(First appearance)
        • Corporate Alliance medcenter(First appearance)
        • Murkhana City(First appearance)
          • Argente Tower(First appearance)
          • Murkhana City Imperial compound(First appearance)
          • Sugi headquarters building(First appearance)
      • Unidentified planet (Murkhana system)(First appearance)
    • Nam Chorios(First mentioned)
      • Nam Chorios Imperial mining colony(First mentioned)
      • Nam Chorios Imperial prison facility(First mentioned)
    • Ord Cestus(Mentioned only)
    • Prefsbelt(First mentioned)
      • Prefsbelt Fleet Camp(First mentioned)
    • Quell system(Mentioned only)
    • Rhen Var(First mentioned)
      • Rhen Var Imperial outpost(First mentioned)
    • Rothana(First mentioned)
    • Ryloth system(Mentioned only)
      • Ryloth(Mentioned only)
        • Ryloth deepdock(First mentioned)
    • Serenno(Mentioned only)
    • Seswenna sector(First appearance)
      • Eriadu(First appearance)
        • Carrion Plateau(First appearance)
          • Carrion Spike(First appearance)
            • Mount Veermok(First mentioned)
        • Eriadu City(First appearance)
          • Tarkin family compound(First appearance)
        • Jova Tarkin's cabin(First mentioned)
        • Orrineswa River(First mentioned)
        • Phelar(First appearance)
          • Phelar Spaceport(First appearance)
      • Unidentified system(First mentioned)
        • Unidentified sun(First mentioned)
    • Sluis Van(First mentioned)
    • Sullust sector(Appears in flashback(s))(First identified as Sullust sector)
      • Sullust system(Appears in flashback(s))
        • Sullust(Appears in flashback(s))
    • Taris(First mentioned)
    • Tion Cluster(First appearance)
      • Belderone system(First mentioned)
        • Belderone(First mentioned)
          • Belderone Imperial naval base(First mentioned)
          • R/M Facility Four deepdock(First mentioned)
      • Fial system(First appearance)
    • Tion Hegemony(Mentioned only)
      • Raxus system(Mentioned only)
        • Raxus(Mentioned only)
    • Trogan(First mentioned)
      • Trogan Imperial outpost(First mentioned)
    • Utapau(Mentioned only)
  • Pammant(First mentioned)
  • Perlemian Trade Route(Mentioned only)
  • Pii(First mentioned)
    • Imperial marshaling station(First mentioned)
  • Rampart Station(First appearance)
  • Rimma Trade Route(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified isolated moon(First mentioned)
  • Unidentified moon (Gulf of Tatooine)(First appearance)
  • Unidentified volcanic planet system(First appearance)
    • Unidentified uninhabited volcanic planet(First appearance)
  • Unknown Regions(Mentioned only)(First identified as Unknown Regions)
  • Western Reaches(First identified as Western Reaches)

Organizations and titles

  • Actor(Mentioned only)
  • Archduke(Mentioned only)
  • Architect(First mentioned)
  • Assignment(First mentioned)
  • Berch Teller's rebel cell(First appearance)
  • Black Sun(Mentioned only)
  • Cadet(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Commerce Guild(Mentioned only)
  • Confederacy of Independent Systems(Mentioned only)(First identified as CIS)
    • Count(Appears in flashback(s))
    • The Grievous Legion(First mentioned)
  • Corporate Alliance(Mentioned only)
  • Coruscant Air Traffic Control(First mentioned)
  • Coruscant Weather Control(First mentioned)
  • Crymorah syndicate(First mentioned)
  • Cygnus Spaceworks(First mentioned)
  • Dark Side Adept(First identified as Dark Side Adept)
  • Droid Gotra(First mentioned)
  • Eriadu Mining and Shipping(First mentioned)
  • Four Sages of Dwartii(Statue only)(First identified as Philosophers of Dwartii)
    • Philosopher(Statue only)
  • Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps(First mentioned)
  • Galactic Empire
    • Commission for the Preservation of the New Order(First appearance)
      • Imperial Security Bureau
        • Deputy Director(First appearance)
    • Emperor's adviser(First identified as Emperor's adviser)
    • Governor
      • Governor of Eriadu(First appearance)
    • Imperial Academy(Mentioned only)
    • Imperial High Command(First appearance)
    • Imperial Military
      • Imperial Army
        • Stormtrooper Corps
          • Stormtrooper
      • Imperial Navy
        • Adjutant(First appearance)
        • Imperial Navy Trooper(First identified as Imperial Navy Trooper)
        • Imperial Starfighter Corps
          • Yellow Squadron(First appearance)
            • Yellow Eight(First appearance)
            • Yellow Five(First appearance)
            • Yellow Seven(First appearance)
            • Yellow Twelve(First appearance)
        • Naval chief(As part of the Joint Chiefs)
        • Naval Command and Control(First mentioned)
        • Naval Intelligence Agency(First appearance)
      • Joint Chiefs(First identified as Joint Chiefs)
      • Military Intelligence(First appearance)
      • Noncom(First appearance)
      • Overseer(Mentioned only)
    • Imperial Officer Corps
    • Imperial Ruling Council(First identified as Imperial Ruling Council)
    • Imperial Senate(Mentioned only)
    • Prefect(First appearance)
    • Ubiqtorate(First appearance)
    • Vizier(First mentioned)
  • Galactic Republic(Mentioned only)
    • Commission for the Protection of the Republic(First mentioned)
    • Cryptanalysis department(First mentioned)
    • Galactic Senate(Mentioned only)
      • Senator(Appears in flashback(s))
      • Supreme Chancellor(Mentioned only)
      • Vice Chancellor(Mentioned only)
    • Judicial Department(Mentioned only)(First identified as Judicial Department)
      • Judicial(Mentioned only)(First identified as Judicial)
      • Judicial Academy(First mentioned)
        • Provost(First mentioned)
      • Judicial Forces(Mentioned only)(First identified as Judicial Forces)
      • Provost marshal(First mentioned)
    • Republic Intelligence(Mentioned only)
      • Station chief(First mentioned)
    • Republic Military(Mentioned only)
      • Republic Navy(Mentioned only)
      • Twelfth Army(First appearance)(Insignia only)
  • Gotal loyalists(First mentioned)
  • Halcyon usurpers(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • House Cormond(First mentioned)
  • House of Dooku(Appears in flashback(s))
  • House Elegin(First mentioned)
  • House Valorum(Mentioned only)(First identified as House Valorum)
  • Idellian Arrays(First mentioned)
  • Incom Corporation(Mentioned only)
  • InterGalactic Banking Clan(Mentioned only)
  • Jedi(Mentioned only)
    • Jedi Order(Mentioned only)
      • Jedi Knight(Mentioned only)
      • Jedi Master(Mentioned only)
      • Padawan(Mentioned only)
  • King(Mentioned only)
  • Krupx(First mentioned)
  • Law enforcement agency
  • Mon Cal Knights(First mentioned)
  • Officer
    • Adjutant General(First mentioned)
    • Case officer(First appearance)
    • General(Mentioned only)
    • Vice Admiral(First appearance)
  • Old Republic(Mentioned only)
    • Old Republic military(First mentioned; albeit indirectly)
  • Outland Regions Security Force(First mentioned)
    • Outland's anti-pirate taskforce(First mentioned)
  • Pammant Docks(First mentioned)
  • Planetary defense forces(First appearance)
  • Q'anah's Marauders(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Queen of Zygerria(Mentioned only)
  • Roshu Sune(First mentioned; albeit indirectly)
  • Separatist holdouts(First mentioned)
  • Sculptor(First mentioned)
  • Sienar Fleet Systems(Mentioned only)
  • Sith
  • Slicer(Mentioned only)
  • Sullust Sector Spacefarers Academy(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • TaggeCo(First mentioned)
  • Taim & Bak(Mentioned only)
  • Tarkin family(First identified as Tarkin family)
  • Tenloss Syndicate(First mentioned)
  • Theed Engineering(First mentioned)
  • Trade Federation(Mentioned only)
  • Unidentified Eriadu colony world(First appearance)
  • Valorum Shipping(First mentioned)
  • Wiborg Jenssen(First mentioned)

Sentient species

  • Geonosian(Appears in hologram)
  • Gran(Picture only)
  • Harch(Mentioned only)
  • Human
    • Serennian(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Lannik(Mentioned only)
  • Muun(Mentioned only)
  • Quarren(Mentioned only)
  • Sephi(First mentioned)
  • Sy Myrthian(First identified as Sy Myrthian)
  • Togruta(Mentioned only)
  • Wookiee(Mentioned only)

Vehicles and vessels

  • Repulsorcraft
    • Speeder(Mentioned only)
      • Landspeeder(Mentioned only)
        • T-44 landspeeder(First mentioned)
  • Sephi flyer(First mentioned)
  • Space station
    • Battle station
      • Death Star
        • DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
  • Starship
    • Capital ship
      • Dreadnought
        • Providence-class dreadnought(First identified as Providence-class cruiser-carrier)
          • Berch Teller's warship(First appearance)
          • Invincible(Parts only)
          • Lucid Voice(First appearance)(Parts only)
      • Star Destroyer
        • Compliant(First mentioned)
        • Enforcer(First mentioned)
        • Imperial-class Star Destroyer
          • Core Envoy(First mentioned)
          • Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
            • Executrix(First appearance)
            • Sovereign(First mentioned)
        • Secutor-Class Star Destroyer(First appearance)
          • Conquest(First appearance)
        • Venator-class Star Destroyer(First identified as Venator-class Star Destroyer)
          • Electrum(First appearance)
          • Liberator(First appearance)
        • Victory-class Star Destroyer(First appearance)
    • Carrier
      • Imperial escort carrier(First appearance)
        • Goliath(First appearance)
    • Corvette
      • Carrion Spike(First appearance)
      • Stealth ship(Mentioned only)
    • Cruiser
      • Detainer CC-2200(First appearance)
      • Immobilizer 418 cruiser(First appearance)
      • Light cruiser
        • Carrack-class light cruiser(First mentioned)
      • Star Cruiser
        • Stellar Vista(First appearance)
    • Destroyer(Parts only)
      • Recusant-class Commerce Guild destroyer(Parts only)(First identified as Recusant-class warship)(First identified as Commerce Guild warship)
    • Freighter
      • Container ship(First mentioned)
      • Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighter(Mentioned only)
      • YT-series
        • YT-1000 freighter(First appearance)
          • Reticent(First appearance)
    • Frigate
      • CC-7700 frigate(First appearance)
      • Munificent-class star frigate(First identified as Munificent-class warship)
      • Salliche(First mentioned)
    • Gunboat(First appearance)
      • Escort gunboat(First appearance)
    • Gunship
      • Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry(First identified as Low Altitude Assault Transport)
      • Trident-class assault ship(Wreckage only)
    • Interdictor vessel(First appearance)
    • Luxury liner(First appearance)
    • Parsec Predator(First appearance)
    • Shuttle
      • Theta-class T-2c shuttle(First identified as Theta-class shuttle)
    • Starfighter
      • Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor(Mentioned only)
      • Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor
        • Darth Vader's black Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor(First appearance)
      • TIE line
      • Tikiar(First appearance)
    • T-95 Trainer(First mentioned)
    • Tug
      • Fremond(First mentioned)
    • Yacht
      • Lux-400 yacht(First appearance)
        • Truant(First appearance)
  • Tank
    • HAVw A6 Juggernaut(Wreckage only)
  • Walker
    • All Terrain Tactical Enforcer(Wreckage only)

Weapons and technology

Darth Plagueis Wiki

  • Acceleration compensator(First identified as inertial compensator)
  • Anti-rad suit(First appearance)
  • Armor
  • Auto-destruct mechanism(Mentioned only)
  • Battle net(First appearance)
  • Blaster
    • Blaster rifle
  • Computer
    • Droid control computer(First mentioned)
  • Computer virus(First appearance)
  • Containment field(First identified as Containment field)
  • Cybernetics
  • Databank(First mentioned)
  • Engine
    • Sublight engine
      • Ion engine
  • Garment-fabricator(First appearance)
  • Garrison base(First mentioned)
  • Gravity well projector(First appearance)
  • Grenade(Mentioned only)
    • Flash grenade(First mentioned)
  • H-eight(First appearance)
  • Holodrama(First mentioned)
  • HoloNet
    • HoloNet relay(First appearance)
      • Murkhana HoloNet relay(First appearance)
  • Holovid(First appearance)
  • Homing beacon(Mentioned only)
  • Hyperbaric chamber(First mentioned)
  • Hyperdrive motivator(Mentioned only)
  • Hyperwave beacon(First mentioned)
  • Interdiction field(First appearance)
  • Life-form scanner(First mentioned)
  • Lightsaber
    • Curved-hilt lightsaber(Indirect mention only)
      • Dooku's lightsaber(Indirect mention only)
    • Dual-phase lightsaber
  • Mass-driver cannon(Wreckage only)
  • Meditation chamber(First identified as meditation chamber)
  • Navigation buoy(First appearance)
  • Needle(Mentioned only)
  • Officer's disk(First identified as Officer's disk)
  • Paralight tracker(First appearance)
  • Particle-beam weapon(First mentioned)
  • Power cell
  • Scrubber(First appearance)
  • Security camera(Mentioned only)
  • Sensor
    • Motion detector(First identified as motion detector)
  • Turbolaser
  • Vibroblade(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Vibro-lance(First identified as Vibro-lance)
  • Weather control(First mentioned)


  • After-action report(First mentioned)
  • Alter Reality(First mentioned)
  • Astrogation(First identified as astrogation)
  • Binary star(Mentioned only)
  • Birthday(Mentioned only)
  • Bone(Mentioned only)
  • Bronzium(First identified as bronzium)
  • Butter(First mentioned)
  • Clothing
    • Imperial military uniforms
  • Coruscanti(First identified as Coruscanti)
  • Cronau radiation(First appearance)
  • Count(Appears in flashback(s))
    • Count of Serenno(Appears in flashback(s))(First identified as Tarkin (novel))
  • Crystal
    • Kyber crystal(Mentioned only)
    • Stygium crystal(First appearance)
  • Duranium(First appearance)
  • Echelon formation(First appearance)
  • The Force
    • Disturbance in the Force(First identified as Disruption in the Force)
    • Force power
  • Free Trade Zone(Mentioned only)
  • The galaxy
  • Gas
    • Ozone(First appearance)
  • Hair gel(First appearance)
  • Hibridium(First mentioned)
  • Hypermatter(First mentioned)
  • Immortality(Mentioned only)
  • Jedi Trials(Mentioned only)
  • Laboratory(Mentioned only)
  • Language
  • Lommite(First mentioned)
  • Meter(Mentioned only)
  • Microjump(First identified as microjump)
  • Military Creation Act(Mentioned only)
  • Mining(Mentioned only)
  • Monarchy(Mentioned only)
  • Monad(First appearance)
  • Nebula(Mentioned only)
  • Nova(First mentioned)
  • Opera(Mentioned only)
  • Oversector(Mentioned only)
  • Parade(Mentioned only)
  • Parent(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Phrik(Mentioned only)(First identified as phrik)
  • Plant
  • Prop 31-814D(Indirect mention only)
  • Propaganda(Mentioned only)
  • Privateer(First appearance)
  • Q'anah(First mentioned)
  • Realspace(First identified as Realspace)
  • Rule of Two(Indirect mention only)
  • Sabacc(Mentioned only)
  • Sentinel bases(First appearance)
  • Shadowfeed(First mentioned)
  • Shipyard
    • Deepdock(First mentioned)
  • Seismic quake(Mentioned only)(First identified as seismic quake)
  • Skyscraper(First identified as cloudcutter)
  • Sparkstone(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Spice(Mentioned only)
  • Staff
  • Star map(First identified as star map)
  • Supernova(Mentioned only)
  • Synthsilk(First mentioned)
  • Tarkin Doctrine(First appearance)
  • Tarkin Rush(First mentioned)
  • Time
    • Standard month(Mentioned only)
    • Standard year(Mentioned only)
  • University(Mentioned only)
  • Velvet(First mentioned)
  • Wilhuff Tarkin's memoir(First appearance)
  • Wine(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Witch(Mentioned only)
  • Zeyd cloth(First identified as zeyd cloth)

Star Wars Darth Tenebrous


  • Disney Publishing Worldwide and Random House Announce Relaunch of Star Wars Adult Fiction Line on (backup link)
  • Timeline Photos. Del Rey (April 25, 2014). Retrieved on April 25, 2014.
  • 'Launch Pad'—Star Wars Insider 150
  • SDCC 2014: Star Wars: A New Dawn Panel – Liveblog on
  • 'Blaster'—Star Wars Insider 152
  • Star Wars: Tarkin Audiobook — Exclusive Preview! on
  • Star Wars Books Holiday Gift Guide on
  • SDCC 2015: Star Wars Publishing Panel Liveblog on

Star Wars Darth Plagueis Audiobook Free Download For Pc

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. 1.01.1Tarkin on (backup link)
  2. 2.02.1Tarkin: Star Wars on Penguin Random House'sofficial website (backup link)(eBook)
  3. 3.03.1Tarkin: Star Wars on Penguin Random House'sofficial website (backup link)(Paperback)
  4. Timeline Photos. Del Rey (April 25, 2014). Retrieved on April 25, 2014.
  5. Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars) on Twitter 'Nothing like seeing the #StarWars Tarkin manuscript in my inbox to ease the Monday Morning comedown…'
  6. Timeline Photos. Del Rey (June 12, 2014). Retrieved on June 12, 2014.

External linksEdit

Star Wars Darth Malgus

  • Tarkin on (backup link)(Hardcover)
  • Tarkin: Star Wars on Penguin Random House'sofficial website (backup link)(Paperback)
  • Tarkin: Star Wars on Penguin Random House'sofficial website (backup link)(eBook)

Star Wars Darth Plagueis Book

The Del Rey Star Wars Timeline
Dooku: Jedi Lost · Master & Apprentice
I The Phantom Menace
II Attack of the Clones · The Clone Wars (TV series) · Dark Disciple
III Revenge of the Sith · Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel · Lords of the Sith · Tarkin
Solo · Thrawn · A New Dawn · Thrawn: Alliances · Thrawn: Treason · Rebels (TV series)
Rogue One
IV A New Hope · From a Certain Point of View · Battlefront II: Inferno Squad
Heir to the Jedi · Battlefront: Twilight Company
V The Empire Strikes Back
VI Return of the Jedi · Alphabet Squadron · Aftermath · Aftermath: Life Debt · Aftermath: Empire's End
Last Shot · Bloodline · Phasma · Canto Bight · 'The Perfect Weapon'
VII The Force Awakens
VIII The Last Jedi · Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire