Glados Text To Speech Download

Portal GLaDOS Quotes

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Album name: Portal GLaDOS Quotes
Number of Files: 20
Total Filesize: 10.10 MB
Date added: Dec 3rd, 2007

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Song NameMP3
(Radio) Still Alive Loop0:440.67 MB
A Big Party0:400.61 MB
An amusing fact0:130.20 MB
Android Hell0:100.15 MB
Brain Backup0:120.19 MB
Broken Heart0:160.24 MB
Companion Cube0:210.32 MB
Fling yourself0:070.11 MB
Good People0:030.04 MB
Have your daughter tested0:060.09 MB
Hello, where are you0:050.08 MB
Marry that thing0:070.10 MB
Morality Core0:350.53 MB
Party Speech0:370.57 MB
Raw Suage0:050.08 MB
Remember and laugh0:100.15 MB
Shoes for orphans0:110.16 MB
Should have turned left0:060.09 MB
Sphere of Curiousity0:220.33 MB
Still Alive2:565.39 MB
Total:8m 6s10 MB


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Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Every single one of these quotes are pure gold. Humorous and awesome. Favorite ones are the Companion Cube and A Big Party. Still Alive is made of pure win.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
where's the sound of the core that says the cake ingredients?

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
very good, but where is the cake sphere?

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Simply Awesome collection. I laughed, I cried, I had cake.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Awesome stuff! A couple of years back I had the Curiosity Sphere's rantings as my ringtone - that freaked a few people out at work!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Great Stuff, now loaded onto iPod for instant Portal rush!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Thanks for the upload! Still Alive made me teary eyed :'(

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Wish there is more of this :(
P.S. I am a massive Portal 1 and 2 fan

Free online voice generator. This voice synthesizer tool allows you to enter any text into the box and listen to a computer generated voice speaking the output. To copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time, click Save or Save this program to disk. Important File Download Details. If you want to download sample code, documentation, SAPI, and the U.S. English Speech engines for development purposes, download the Speech SDK 5.1 file (SpeechSDK51.exe). Here’s how to create your own GlaDOS-themed sound clips so you can spread the Portal-based horror. How To Make Your Own Portal-Style Sound Clips. YatriTrivedi @yatritrivedi January 20, 2011. I used the AT&T Labs Natural Voices Text-to-Speech Demo to get a basis, then used the array mic on my netbook to record my best impression (with.

This is a Flash animation containing some audio files generated by:
Link: GLaDOS Voice Generator
The motivation: I've read some tutorials around the web on how to generate such GLaDOS-y sound files, and they're perfect, save one thing: sound files have to be created manually (using a text-to-speech software or recording from microphone, then applying effects). That's perfect for mapmaking, but what I would really love to have is a direct GLaDOS text-to-speech tool that I could use for stuff like reading my news, telling me how many emails I have in the morning, reading their subject lines, etc. So, of course, it would be pretty pointless to create these sounds by hand...
So I've dropped the idea for a while (that was somewhere mid-2008). But every few month, I'd stumble upon a random Portal-related video on YouTube for some reason... and I'd inevitably hear GLaDOS's voice again, and the idea would come back to me.
This happened again 2 days ago, and this time I swore to myself I'd just do the damn thing. I happened to have set up a server with a graphical environment a few months ago, which would allow me to run graphical applications (I'm looking at you, Melodyne), so all I needed to do was to automate the text synthesizing part (easy), then importing that file into Melodyne (easy), and then creating a script that would know where to click or what button to press to apply the effects needed to get the GLaDOS effect I want (much harder). But I gave it a shot, and while it is painfully slow (the server is running Linux, so it has to run Melodyne through Wine, and its processor isn't exactly a beast either), so it can take up to 5 minutes for one message to be synthesized. That is fast enough for my needs alone, but now what if I wanted to let others profit from my work? That's what I told myself yesterday, so I coded up a little queuing web-based front-end for the thingy. It queues up messages and slowly processes them on a first-come-first-serve basis. And today, it's complete!
Description: This tool lets you type in some text, and the server will generate a GLaDOS-like reading of the text.
Who/what is GLaDOS? The main antagonist in Portal, a video game by Valve. See the Wikipedia article on GLaDOS for more information.Glados Text To Speech Download

Glados Voice

About GLaDOS's voice: GLaDOS was voiced by Ellen McLain, a professional voice actress. This tool is automated, thus cannot rely on professional voice acting; instead, it uses text-to-speech synthesis to generate a female voice, then distorts it to make it more GLaDOS-like. This process is quite long and obviously produces results of poorer quality than the voice you hear in Portal; do not expect Portal perfection.
The technique: There are varioustutorials around the web on how to do this. There's also a video tutorial here.
The problem is that this method makes use of GUI (graphical user interface) software, which cannot be easily automated. What this tool does is, indeed, to automate them anyway, despite the shortcomings of such a method. Here is what happens when you enter a message in the form above:
Glados Text To Speech Download
  • The message gets queued in a database.
  • The queue is processed at regular interval through a script ran with a cron job.
  • Once the message arrives in front of the queue, the server generates the initial voice sound file using Festival with the nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts voice.
  • The server is running Linux, so it has to run an X server and launch Melodyne through Wine.
  • A Python script takes care of opening the file in Melodyne and to apply the method described in the tutorial, using shortcut keys when possible, or by taking screenshots to determine where to click on screen when there is no shortcut key to perform a certain action.
  • The Python script then exports the file as a 44,100 kHz 16-bit linear PCM .wav file
  • The cron job script picks up the file and sends a link to it by email to the recipient.
  • Done. The server moves on to the next message, if any.

Portal and GLaDOS are property of Valve.
Accept the processing power these commenters are giving you. It's been a year and a half and I want my quote done. Page 245 is not existent
Glados Biringa is not helpful at all. They don't go on with the proceedings and all that stuff. I want a real text to Glados speech program.
I don't care what anyone says, that's not GLaDOS talking.
Phase two complete. Now moving subject Q-527 to Phase three of testing.
that is awesome now we just need a sensual human sounding one for the evil glados mental breakdown
i know how to make a better one. submit me the sayings and ill do it
So it was you who made that generator that resembled an email phishing scam =J
I suppose I can try it in confidence now.
But I needn't, knowing what's going on behind it t_t
If you ever do implement this in a way that is more.. respectable, please tell me. I need an efficient, pleasant voice synth to make a sense augmentation. An aural HUD, so to speak.
Nothing in the repos is as tolerable is this, good sir.
It sounds like you've dipped your toes in the waters of aural augmentation already?
I uh... don't really know what you're talking about o_O
It is not an email phishing scam, as you do not need to enter your email. If you do, you'll get notified when it's done, if you don't, then you won't.
What do you mean 'a more respectable way'? Or 'sense augmentation'/'aural augmentation'? And what repos? >:
Any voices that GPS and other things have are made from sound files anyway. Maybe you could create them in GLaDOS' voice and swap the files around.
Indeed, one guy asked me if he could use it for that, and he did
I've tried it before, I wish it sounded a little more realistic but it's handy.
Hello Again Scott. The testing has only just begun.
No, this thing uses Melodyne which is commercial software.
Almost perfect....rember her voice gets deeper at some words....just rember that next time
Alright, I take that back - it's broke and it looks like you're not sure if you want to fix it. Such a shame; I'm to lazy to manually make the files.
This is epic. It's really accurate for not using a voice actor.
My only complaint is that the pitch should be Sliiightly higher.
I played with it but it really depends on what you make it say. Oh well, most free audio editing programs can do pitch adjustments anyway~
I know, I need to buy the server a new motherboard

Glados Voice Generator


Glados Text To Speech Online

Yes, and I wanted everyone to be able to generate whatever they wanted so that they could use them in cool things like that. So, I'm sorry it's down now

Text To Speech

(1 Reply)
The preview image drew me in...the concept of the deviation is fascinating